Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Hypnotherapy is effective in treating the pain and discomfort associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome!
It’s estimated that around 15% of the population suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and if you are one of those sufferers, you will know how painful and inconvenient IBS can be.
Many people also find IBS embarrassing and do not seek treatment for a long time.
It’s not embarrassing, it’s a physical condition and it can be treated, so if you suspect you have it, visit your doctor now.
The most common symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome are:
- Pain and cramps
- Bloating and fullness – belching, flatulence and nausea
- Trapped wind – causes abdominal discomfort
- Altered bowel habits – such as diarrhoea, constipation or a combination of the two.
Physical factors that cause IBS to develop include food allergies/sensitivities, motility problems, altered gut sensations and emotional shifts in the central nervous system, such as depression, fear and anger that can affect the gastrointestinal system.
The bowel is very sensitive to your psychological state. Stress, anxiety and depression can be primary factors behind you developing IBS. The ‘stress response’, derived from our ancestors’ ‘fight or flight’ response, causes both psychological and physical changes.
Your bowel can find it hard to cope with the constant level of daily stress in your life – the result is IBS.
Before seeking treatment, it’s important to be sure that your stomach problems are down to Irritable Bowel Syndrome and not another cause.
If you are suffering from symptoms like those described above, your first port of call should be your doctor.
Hypnotherapy has been used with both adults and children to help manage the pain associated with IBS.
There is evidence to support its use in this condition for both adults and children and the National Institute for Health and Clinical Guidance (NICE) recommends the NHS should consider referring patients for hypnotherapy if their irritable bowel is persistent and has failed to respond to simple prescribed medicine.
My hypnotherapy treatment for IBS is relaxing and effective. My approach is to reduce the stress on your gut and identify the root cause behind this.
While you are in a deeply relaxed state, I can guide you on how to control your symptoms. I use suggestions, metaphors and symptom alternation to directly target your symptoms.
Treating the symptoms of IBS in this way can hugely improve the quality of your life.